Thalarion - A More Than Fiendish Malevolence

[A brief commentary of Juraj Grezdo: "This text harmonizes with feelings of misanthropy, it's the real image of my mind when I was disappointed and frustrated from everybody and everything and I had a whiles when I was able to kill a man by a little impulse. It's very personal lyric saying about misanthropic states of my mind".]

If tomorrow I die, today I would unburden my soul.
I grew day by day, more moody, more irritable.
More regardless of the feelings of others.
But I soon found a dislike to everyone arising within me.

By slow degrees, these feelings of disgust and annoyance.
Rose into the bitterness and hatred.
The fury of a demon possessed me, I knew myself no longer.
For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm.

Beneath the pressure of torments such as these.
The feeble remnant of the good within me succumbed.
Evil thoughts became my sole intimates.
The darkest and most evil thoughts.

A more than fiendish malevolence.
Thrilled every fibre of my frame.
But it was only a feeble feeling.
And the soul remained untouched.

If tomorrow I die, today I would unburden my soul.
I grew day by day, more moody, more irritable.
More regardless of the feelings of others.
But I soon found a dislike to everyone arising within me.

A more than fiendish malevolence.
Thrilled every fibre of my frame.
But it was only a feeble feeling.
And the soul remained untouched.